Privacy Policy

Update Date: 12 May 2024

Description of Data Collection and Use

1. We collect information related to your use of this application, such as frequency of use and features you use. This data will be aggregated and will not identify specific individuals.

2. If you log into the account system, we need you to provide an email address. This will be your unique identity, login name and password retrieval method.

3. In order to provide you with more quality services, we will also obtain your country or region information based on your IP address.

4. We use Google Analytics to collect non-personal identity information.

Google API Services User Data Policy

NeonLingo app use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

NeonLingo will only obtain and use your email address as your unique identifier. We will store your email on our servers and strictly ensure its security. We will not share any user data with third parties, including AI models.